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First let me start by saying, thank you for taking the time to visit Here you will find a little more about myself and a summary of the service offered by One-Touch Sports Training & Management LLC.
Sports training started for me at very young age. Growing up the youngest of 4  raised by a single mother, we didn’t  have a lot of money available to us for year-round sports activities. My siblings and I spent a lot of summers together, playing games and sports amongst ourselves and with the other children in the neighborhood. It was my eldest brother that came to us, being the best athlete of us all, and encourage us to stay active. Some games we played we made up and others were more traditional sports like football or Nerf basketball in the basement. We have always been very competitive when it comes to athletics and, thankfully, we were also naturally gifted. Our mother was a accomplished track athlete. When my eldest brother began playing college sports and, later professional sports, those summers evolved into training at the gym along side him for multiple hours. I remember the things he instilled in us, "God given ability will only take you so far; you have to work in order to stay ahead", or the big one "Always do one more, one more push-up, one more shot, one more...if you do one more each day thats how you grow". It is that sort of upbringing and encouragement that has allowed me to help others train and become great athletes and hopefully better people. 

One-Touch Training & Sports Management the company.

Training started when I was young, and carried over into High School where I took various courses on Sports education and Sports Medicine. The unique approach One-Touch Sports Training brings is the understanding that not all athletes are the same; we all require individualized and tailored training. We are not trying to produce robots. The approach taken here at One-Touch is to analyze the athlete individually, examine where that athlete is presently and develop the training needed to help that athlete reach their full potential. Our customized approach has enabled One-Touch to produce athletes that are excelling on their athletic teams and recognized immediately by their coaches and peers to be impact players. Some of the athletes have even garnered offers for professional trials in Europe. We do this all while helping to nurture sportsmanship, strong character and integrity to produce great people not only in the sports arena, but in life. 

Diamonds, not shiny pebbles

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